Crafting bold designs, illustrations and communication supports

Design serves a purpose beyond aesthetic. It is strategic and serves as a visual representation of your vision. My role is to craft a distinctive visual identity, communication materials and create custom illustrations to align with your specific requirements.

designer graphique identité visuelle charte graphique univers unique




A timeless, lively and striking visual identity has the power to elevate your brand and set it appart in the market. It comes from your strategy and vision. Let’s craft it together ! 

You’ve established a visual identity but need assistance with marketing materials, I’m here to help design your flyers, catalogues, promotional items, products or any other project. Challenge me !


A timeless, lively and striking visual identity has the power to elevate your brand and set it appart in the market. It comes from your strategy and vision. Let’s craft it together ! 


You’ve established a visual identity but need assistance with marketing materials, I’m here to help design your flyers, catalogues, promotional items, products or any other project. Challenge me !

Who am I ?

Sonia Heitz à propos designer graphique

With a passion for Design, I assist brands by crafting their visual identity and envisioning products that reflect their essence. Whether in French or English, the choice is yours !

The Adobe suite is my playground, and I enjoy exploring design in all its forms.

My values : listening, kindness and curiosity.